Rasa Smite is a Karlsruhe and Riga based artist, researcher and curator, working on the edge of art, science, and techno-ecologies. She is co-founder and co-chair of recently founded Karlsruhe based NAIA – Naturally Artificial Intellgence Art association. She also is co-founder of Riga based RIXC Art Science Center, and publisher of Acoustic Space/Renewable Futures, peer-reviewed journal & book series.
Rasa Smite holds PhD, she currently is a professor of Media Art and Creative Technologies at Liepaja University, Latvia, and researcher at FHNW Academy of Art and Design in Basel, Switzerland. She also has been lecturer at MIT ACT (Art, Culture, Technology program) in Boston, US (2018-2021), and guest professor at HfG – Karlsruhe (2019-2020).
In her artistic practice, Rasa Smite works together with Raitis Smits, they are co-authors of Atmospheric Forest (2020), an immersive artwork visualizing the complex relations between the forest ecosystem affected by climate change, and atmospheric processes.
SensUs. Augmented Nature-Cultures
Experience is what happens to us. It is a transformative movement that happens in nature, in cultures and in historical contexts. SensUs exhibition uses augmented reality to create new experiences challenging our sensory perception and revealing our fragile connectedness with the environment.
SensUs artists explore the symbiotic relations between social and ecological systems, making visible the invisible processes in urban nature and tracing the historical and contemporary trajectories of nature-culture sites in three cities – Karlsruhe, Riga and Toronto.
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