Naturally Artificial Intelligence Art Association


[Splinter Session 02: Naturecultures] on Day 2 (Fri 7 Oct) – “how to live in the damaged world” – will examine eco-feminist perspectives and other new ecosophies, learning from nature and our relations with it, in a search of new cultural theories and art practices that contribute towards goals of socio-ecological justice.
Day 2 was hosted by the new Karlsruhe based art center – NAIA (Naturally Artificial Intelligence Art association), featuring presentations by Karlsruhe UNESCO Media Art city artists.
Session 02 curators and co-chairs: Anett Holzheid, Eva-Maria Lopez, Daria Mille / NAIA
Topics: NatureCultures, Eco-feminism, More-than-Human, Socio-Ecological Justice, Naturally/Artificial IntIntelligences…

FLICKR bildes, Rasa, Eva un Anett Holzheid bilde

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